“Nobody wins a race they don’t want to be in”
Nic Peterson, Bumpers
You can find a million ways to “win”. But does that make you successful? Only if you’re putting your time, effort, and energy into what matters to you - if you’re focused on winning the races that matter the most to you.
In This Week's Success Drop:
Being bold matters? Successful people aren’t reckless, but they are bold - because they know it matters.
Negotiation principles from the best in the world. It’s not a sin to not get a deal, it’s a sin to take a long time to not get a deal.
The Substack strategy. Substack is growing. Wanna see how we’re using it?
The Silver Bullet. Need cash now? Try the Silver Bullet
AI premiums?… Putting AI on your resume might help you make more money
Listen: Success From Advertising Is NOT What You Think with Laurel Protie
Boldness Matters. Not reckless, but bold.
Living life with purpose and meaning.
In the recent Guardian Academy Events1, listening to Dr. Jeff Spencer2 share the truth of his life experience and opening the door to this perspective has brought me, personally, full circle on what matters most.”
Whether you have kids or not, this might be the read of the week: Boldness Matters: A Letter To My Son
The job is not to save everyone. It's to save everyone willing to be saved.
You can't save the unsavable, you can't close the un-closable. The earlier you recognize who is not willing to be saved, the sooner you can make the right decision. There are a few practical implications, off the top of my head. As a hostage negotiator, the proper way to measure your success rate is not what percent of people were saved, but instead what percent of savable people were saved. If you were to count the “unsavable”, the data would be faulty, thus, so would the feedback loop. It’s a version of brain sludge and being aware of the negative impacts of outcome bias
To become better at your job, you would first need to be able to identify who is not willing to be saved. Then, refine that skill to identify it sooner and sooner. Now think about relationships, sales, or partnerships - and apply the same framework. If you can quickly identify who was never going to be a good fit, you get the time back - and time is money. You’ll also have more accurate feedback loops, there is no sense in changing a process because it didn’t work on someone that no process would work on.
Which leads right into… Tactical Empathy (Partnership Lessons From Chris Voss Part 1 & 2)
The Substack Strategy
Should you start a substack? It depends.
Substack is a combination of an email list, blog, and community platform with chat features, and gating and is super simple to use. It’s also missing some of the most commonly used marketing tools like list segmentation and automation.
So, does it make sense? For us and many others, it does. Our Substack strategy is modeled after and integrated with the Man Bites Dog Substack strategy.
If you have a business, you’ll want to keep this in your back pocket
The Silver Bullet. That’s what Man Bites Dog calls its most effective “cash now” campaign because it combines generating cash while simultaneously delivering goodwill out into the world.
AI is cool and all and…
Putting “AI” on your resume might get you paid about 25% more. Since we got this from the Hustle today, we left the Hustle branding on the photo above. They do good work and we are happy to share the love. Here’s what they said:
The demand for AI in the office is likely not going anywhere anytime soon. Between 2012 and 2023, AI job openings grew 3.5x faster than openings for all jobs. Plus, industries in which AI is more commonly used — financial services, IT, and professional services — have 4.8x the labor productivity growth, something PwC says can be a boon for economic growth
We’re not heavily focused on AI, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be - especially if you’re looking for a job shortly.
Meet Laurel.
Laurel’s program(s) are on a waitlist, she acquires clients for a fraction of what they spend, and… she spends a lot of time at the beach. Over the last five years, Laurel has doubled her business end over end while never being anyone other than herself.
What does she do with her time since all of her programs are at capacity?
And she gives a shit success ton. If you want to see someone who earns by giving, check out Laurel’s stuff.
The Laurel Corner I YouTube I Free 5-Day Training
Disclosure: Laurel has the largest community on the Success Finder platform, helps teach the Success Circle program, and is on our board of advisors.
On this day: in 1976, Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" goes gold. MAMMAAAAAAAAAAA!
Aww: This man wants his support alligator, Albert, back. I get it, Albert looks cuddly AF.
We still can’t get over: how cool “The Goods: June” is. I mean, we’re biased, but it’s pretty cool.
(There is a reason we are focused on Alligators lately. IYKYK.)
Hey. You. Don’t keep us a secret.
Bring your friends along for the ride and you get cool free stuff as a thank you.
See The June bonuses here. I Get your referral link and see the leaderboard here.
Some serious gems here. Worth your time!