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Success leaves clues. We’re made it our mission to surround ourselves with Success and share it with you in bite-sized and uber-palatable chunks. Subscribe and get Subscribe to Success directly to your inbox
Here’s The Skinny
Most people are looking for success; whatever that means for them. But they are looking in the wrong place(s) or trying to hustle and grind their way to the promised land - and what we’ve realized is…
Working harder to find better tactics and tools…
It ain’t gonna work.
Hard work is necessary. Tools can help. They are prerequisites but aren’t the Success Sauce’s Secret ingredients.
Success Sauce Secret Ingredients
1. Repeatable & Portable Wisdom.
Each weekly email will open with a success quote (or maybe even a meme) that is repeatable, portable, and packed full of wisdom.
2. The Clarity Hierarchy.
The search (and obsession) with tools can be overwhelming and…it’s ridiculous. Tools will not take you to the promised land unless they are the right tools for you, in this situation. How do you know which tool is the best tool for you right now? It depends on the tactic(s) you’re deploying.
Which tactics are best for you, right now? It depends on the strategy.
Which strategy is the best for you, right now? It depends, the best strategy for you right now will be derived by filtering your goals through sound principles.
And principles? They sit on a foundation of philosophy.
Tools are derived from tactics, tactics from strategy, strategy from principles, and principles from philosophy. In other words, to find and sustain success, you must get a healthy dose of all five Success Sauce ingredients.
…which is why each weekly email will have five Success Sections. Guess what they are? If you guessed:
Success Philosophy of The Week
Success Principles of The Week
Success Strategy of The Week
Success Tactics of The Week
Success Tools of The Week
…Congrats! You guessed correctly!
3. Exposure, Proximity & Access
The foundation of Success is built through hard work. But Success requires something more, it requires that something buried deep inside of you is awakened - and the only way to awaken it is exposure, proximity, and access to the right people, places, and things.
When we share the five ingredients above we will sprinkle intimate conversation with our friends, collaborators, and partners - and sometimes, we will invite you to join. The first step is joining the Success crew by subscribing. Just enter your best email. You’ll get our glorious welcome email and then be added to the weekly emails.
Like to read?
Here are some other Success Finder-approved books and publications:
Bumpers by Nic Peterson
Super Duper Profitable Ads by Laurel Portie
Core Principles & Human-ing:
The Guardian Academy is our most read and referenced publication. The Success Finder was built on many TGA principles. It’s a must-read if you ask us.
Marketing, Sales & Business Development:
Man Bites Dog not only has a catchy name, it’s packed full of business development insights, tips & tricks.
Health & Fitness:
Commandment One is one of our Success ecosystem's most “recommended” publications. Remember… “The Healthy Man Has 1000 Wants, The Sick Man Only Has One”
And don’t keep us a secret. Invite some friends along and you’ll win some cool stuff.
To Your Success,
The Success Finder
Shout out to Lukas Resheske for the Clarity Hierarchy Framework